Secret cinema presents: 
Guardians of the galaxy

In September 2022, Secret Cinema launched a live immersive experience of Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy.

During development, I wrote the narrative of the show with the directors and Marvel executives; conceptualising and ideating the show, creating presentations, collaborating with Costume, Hair & Make Up, Art, and Graphics departments.

During production, I took lead on creation of 38 characters and developed them with actors, conceptualised and briefed show graphics (examples below), assisted performance direction and ensured creative and artistic consistency across the show.

Sept ‘22 - Dec’22
Creative Team: Lucy Ridley, Matt Bennett, Justin Audibert, Rachel Ridge, Manreeve Dhothar
Production Designer: Sean Turner
Art Director: Mika Handley
Props Supervisor: Rosheen McNamee
Show Graphics: Natasha Thomas & James Land
Show Photography: Luke Dyson